In this write – up, we will discuss about the couple different ways to mirror and flip objects within your Sketchup models. So let’s get started,
1) Flip Along Axes

In this article we will talk about a few different ways to flip objects within Sketchup or mirror objects within Sketchup. First option we will talk about is the Built-in objects or Flipping objects along the Axes. So this will , probably going to be the easiest way to flip in objects to the Sketchup. The way we can do that , we can pick an object and right click on it, and when we go down , there us an option called “flip along”. When select the option Flip Along, we can use this object to flip in different axes. So that’s the easiest way to flip objects within Sketchup.
2) Flip with the Scale Tool

The second option to discuss about is flipping object using the Scale Tool. The main reason of using this tool is it gives a visible indicator to how will the object look like. When you act with the Scale Tool, we will get much of the Scale boxes and we are aware of it that we can use this to resize different objects to whatever sizes we want it to be. One of the other functions we can use this to negative scaling an object. We can also use it to conjunction to move tool to copy mode, because it is really quick to create a copy of an object.
3) Flip about Centre with Scale Tool

The third way to do this is we can use the Scale Tool to flip an object in place. To do this, activate the Scale Tool by clicking on the object and hold the control key (CLT) . Holding the control key will lock the central mode. When the central mode is locked, now we can scale the object without moving from the central place.
4) Using TIG’S Mirror Extension
Last thing we will discuss is using an extension. This extension is called mirror. This extension is from TIG and it allows us to set a number of series of points along which we can flip in an object. If we activate the extension , it allows us to select the points along which we can flip an object. One last thing about this extension is, it is really good for flipping objects that aren’t on the X and Y axes. It is really easy to do no matter what the Axes orientation is.