Todd Burch has created this plugin called make face. This is a good tool to make imports from AutoCAD easier to work with. As we recall, we suggested our viewers that use the import as a guide and put it on its own layer and then trace it. Well, this plugin eliminates this step and automatically creates solid faces for the entire plan, and we can go directly to pulling up our model. This can be a helpful trick to use if we have a wireframe model and just need to close things up. Now a days everyone wants to work less time and wants result fast rather than spending all day drawing lines to close off a shape.
Though there are some limitations to this plugin. There is one draw back. In model it does not perfectly connect all faces. It connects most but not all. And it also leaves allot of erroneous lines that may complicate our model in the future.
People using SketchUp can apply this SketchUp extension to slice, cut and detach objects as well as arrange plane with two points or three points and insert section faces. SketchUp extensions is used to import DXF file follow segment number involving Mline, Ellipse, Spline, Polyline, Circle, Arc, Line, 3dface.
The SketchUp users can utilize it to sketch line from two points as well as input length through easy to use function like and snap points with 13 Line,23 Line, Canter Face. This SketchUp extension is useful for creating box out of select 4 points.: Select 3 points input height – select 3 points last height (Enter).
Input length through easy to unlike like snap points: 13 Line,23 Line, Center Face.

Sketchup Create Faces Plugin
First, import 2D AutoCAD model, or draw a few models in Sketchup. If you are testing plugin for the first time, first you have to delete the faces of the shapes in Sketchup so that you can see how the plugin works. In this example, we have drawn triangle at a different angle and in separate layers. This way we can demonstrate that the plugin will generate faces for a shape no matter what layers it is in.

Once you have your models drawn or you have imported your model, use the selector tool to select all of the shapes.
Now go to the “extensions” in the menu bar and select “Eneroth Face Creator” from the dropdown menu. You will see that Sketchup automatically creates faces for each of the shapes. No line drawing is required.

There may be times when you will be importing a much more complicated 3D model. The Sketchup create faces plugin works just the same as it used to work in 3D shape.

Vector Push Pull tool helps in skewing the offset faces along a vector defined by dragging the mouse.
It is easy to create bevelled edges in SketchUp using the Follow Me tool. Selection from Google SketchUp Pro Series: SketchUp CAD, Streaming Video Video Download Make Faces Sketchup 2021 – Latest Version. The time of this review this plugins are free and is available in may websites. After downloading it, the plugin will work for 30 days and then convert to the free version.
please watch the short video tutorial