Which version of SketchUp Do you Need?
There is confusion about different versions of Sketchup, which one you need, what is the difference is, and things like that. So this article is all about removing all confusion and giving you a clear picture of it.
Product Information Pages for Trimble
The easiest way to find out which one is best is to go to Trimble’s website. Click on the planes and the pricing page. The most effective way to look at it is the professional version. Just click on it and you will view the details of Sketchup Studio. We will focus on “For Personal Tool”. If we look at the page, You will find out there are three options available, two are web-based versions and there is a pro version. Web-version that sounds like they are online version and other one is a free version which is a web-only version. In addition, there is an option for a Pro version. The pro version is going to be a desktop version that allows you to use the extension as well as layout to create construction documents for your Sketchup models.
Which Version is Online vs Desktop?

Sketchup Free

This has different interfaces. It has a toolbar on the left-hand side. It gives you access to all the basic tools like rectangular tools, the Push-Pull Tool, etc. Most of the keyboard shortcuts work the same as the desktop version. So this is the online version and that is a free version of Sketchup.

Sketchup Shop
There is also a Sketchup shop version. The Sketchup Shop version gives access to some additional tools inside the online version. A couple of other things the Shop version does, it allows you to create custom materials. The Outliner is also a part of the shop version. The shop version is still an online version of Sketchup. It will only work inside a browser. It will not do things like importing extensions etc.

Sketchup Pro
Now let’s talk about the Pro version of Sketchup. So Sketchup Pro is a desktop version of Sketchup. It is a version that every professional use to create a model. It is also a version that gives access to the layout so that you can create 3d models for your construction documents and it also allows you to use extensions. The Pro version is licensed to use for commercial based.